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From the colonial Hanoi with its fading charming architecture and the dramatic scenery of Halong Bay, to the mercantile history of Hoi An and the grace of Hue on the Perfume River, from the colorful tribes of Sapa to the steamy city of Saigon on the edge of the Mekong Delta, Vietnam can offer you more than you can imagine.
Nội dung các bài viết thuộc chuyên mục này sẽ được chúng tôi cập nhật sớm. Cảm ơn quý khách đã quan tâm!

This tour is nonprofit project from Vietnam Oriental Tours, we would like you to create an opportunity for our students to improve their English skill and practise their job. All of them were well trained by Vietnam Oriental Tours , we make sure that they will make an amazing trip for you “Join together to create value for social” .